Zenspath Podcast - Episode 011 - Nintendo Direct (13 Sep 2017)

Welcome to another great episode of the Zenspath Podcast! This week, Caleb & Jeremy talk about the recent Nintendo Direct that covered everything from the latest versions of Pokemon Sun & Moon, the release of Metroid: Samus Returns (and the lack of a copy for poor Caleb after a shipping issue), the fact that freaking DOOM & WOLFENSTEIN are coming to the Switch this year & next. Watch it below now or on Youtube!


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Revisionist History

Revisionist History

So I started off this morning talking with N5omniac about him upgrading his Nintendo 3DS for the upcoming Metroid release and it got me thinking about the history of console revisions over the years. 

Consoles have had revisions over their lifetimes almost since the beginning. These have ranged from minor cosmetic changes all the way to the more recent completely new hardware of the PLayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One X, and New 3DS systems.  

But what really got me wondering is what people thought of these changes. What were their favorites....and their most hated. Where had a manufacturer saved a system to someone with an improvement or completely botched it up to another. 

So I asked a few people from the site and sent it out onto Facebook and Twitter to see what people thought. What were their favorite revisions, and their most hated. 

How Metroid II Got Me In Trouble as a Kid...

How Metroid II Got Me In Trouble as a Kid...

Amazingly we will be seeing a new Metroid game for the first time in years coming out in just a few short days on September 15th, 2017 and even more surprising is that we didn't even know it existed before E3.

This new game, titled "Metroid: Samus Returns" is a remake/re-imagining of the 1991 Gameboy classic "Metroid: Return of Samus".  Many changes have been made to this game to bring it up to date on the Nintendo 3DS that make it far different from its progenitor. These changes I will try and talk about in a later article but for now I want to talk about what happened back in 7th grade.