
Ghost Song


...or the new Metroid game you didn't know you wanted. So, who's interested in a game that draws heavy influence from Metroid right down to the lonliness, alien planet, other-worldly monsters and has very high resolution hand drawn animations for each of the enemies?

*Raises hand*

Then you're in the right place. Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope isn't out just yet, but even in it's early development stages, it looks great. What's even more impressive is the fact that the majority of the game is being coded and drawn all by one guy. Matt White. That in itself is very ambitous for anyone to tackle a Metroidvania game, let alone for one individual. But I guess if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

The New Retro

With all the newness, graphics, and 1080p's of these recently released consoles...there's one that many are completely overlooking. This one doesn't particularly do anything new per-say, but it does one thing that no one else does which that it's capable of playing the majority of your childhood all in one system. With the ability to play physical copies of Famicom, Nintendo, Super Famicom, Super Nintendo, Sega Master System, Sega Mega Drive, Sega Genesis, Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance - count'em, 10 consoles! With a crystal clear picture hdmi output upscaling to accommodate your HDTV of choice, set your own visual filters (scanlines, AA, etc), save states, and ports that let you hook up your original NES, Genesis, and SNES controllers as long as you still have them around. With a very reasonable price of only $99. That's almost a steal for what this thing can do.
It's been delayed a few times with the original release being holiday season last year, but I understand that they could have released a broken product and instead decided to take the time to make it amazing from the get go. I respect them for that, and I kinda wished more companies would follow suit...
Can't wait to breakout my copy of Super Metroid again. Consider this part of my collection!