
Ghost Song


...or the new Metroid game you didn't know you wanted. So, who's interested in a game that draws heavy influence from Metroid right down to the lonliness, alien planet, other-worldly monsters and has very high resolution hand drawn animations for each of the enemies?

*Raises hand*

Then you're in the right place. Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope isn't out just yet, but even in it's early development stages, it looks great. What's even more impressive is the fact that the majority of the game is being coded and drawn all by one guy. Matt White. That in itself is very ambitous for anyone to tackle a Metroidvania game, let alone for one individual. But I guess if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

Interview with "Two Brothers" Developer Ackk Studios

Well, we were lucky enough to get some time with four of the developers from Ackk Studios to talk about their upcoming title, "Two Brothers".  We are joined by Andrew Allanson, Tony Manfredonia, Jose Alfaro, and Ian Bailey to get the latest on their upcoming title which releases in a few weeks for PC, Mac, and Linux and early 2014 for the Wii U, PS Vita, Playstation 4, and (hopefully) the Xbox 360.  

You can find more about these developers at their website ( and make sure to vote for them on Steam Greenlight (  They can be found on Twitter as @AckkStudios.

Make sure to follow us as well on Twitter (@Zenspath) and to leave a comment about the show of what you want to see next from the site!

Direct Download Link

And here is the trailer for "Two Brothers".

Humble Indie Bundle #5

A brand new Humble Indie Bundle deal has arisen yet again this time dubbed "The Humble VOXATRON Debut." This bundle currently includes the games:

  • Voxatron - A very unique game which uses Voxels (which are basically 3D pixels) to create a stylized look with top down camera focus and platforming elements. This game is currently in early stages of development, but they will give you free updates all the up to it's final version and beyond!

  • Blocks That Matter - 2D sidescroller that is part puzzle, part block building similar to Minecraft.

  • The Binding of Isaac - Classic Zelda type sidescrolling gameplay from the guys that gave you Super Meat Boy.

Check after the break for more info and videos!